How to analyze your ovulation date

The probability of successful conception certainly goes higher when you are aware of the fertile period. One of the easy ways to find the fertile days is if you check on some of the reliable ovulation calculators. You can calculate the days yourself as well and here we have all of the information that you need to know:

     What is meant by Female Ovulation?

In scientific terms, ovulation is the event where the follicles rupture and release a secondary oocyte of the ovarian cell. During the menstrual cycle of a female, it is the time when the egg gets released. After ovulation the egg is available for the sperm for fertilization. This is also the time when the uterine wall thickens so that it can support the fertilized egg.  

In case there is no conception, the thickened uterine wall shed at the time of periods. The ovulation in a human occurs midway in the menstrual cycle.

·         What is the fertile window?

The fertile window refers to the most fertile days that have the maximum probability of getting pregnant during the menstrual cycle. These are also the days that lead to ovulation just before the egg is released from the ovaries. You need to keep in mind that as the ovulation occurs the egg can survive for just 24 hours. This time for the sperm to retain the capability for fertilization is much higher in as they can survive in the fallopian tube for about two to three days. Therefore it is advised that couples have intercourse during the fertile windows. In case you are trying for pregnancy the right timing of when you and your partner have an intercourse is critical.

The most fertile times are the ones that surround ovulation time usually from the 10th to 20th day of the menstrual cycle. Most of the times on an average the ovulation occurs at 14th and 15th day but it also depends on the number of days your menstrual cycle gets completed as it can vary for each woman and in each cycle in the same woman.  

Mother and Child Care Hospital

·      Know when you are most fertile:

There are some ways through which right estimations for fertile periods can be known like:
1.    Use online calculators.
2.    Remember that first day of the period is day 1 and the egg gets released approximately 14th day.
3.    It is important that you have sexual intercourse from the 10th day of the cycle to the 20th day as this is the highest chance to get pregnant.


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